Are you looking to boost your business growth quickly?
Our short-term capital loans are designed to provide you with the funds you need, when you need them.
Term Financing Product Information:
Working Capital Term Financing
Works similarly to fixed-rate loans. Your business receives a lump sum payment. Instead of fixed monthly payment, you’ll repay the balance through more frequent, periodic payments.
Term Financing
Is designed to provide capital for any corporate purpose and is paid back over a short term (6-24 months).
You can use working capital loans for whatever needs your business requires.
Typical uses of funds:
- Cash flow
- Inventory
- Renovations
- Advertising
- Small equipment purchase
- Equipment repair
- And much more..
Additional Eligibility
Once you have repaid approximately 1/3rd of your original balance, you may be eligible for a “top-up”.
What is it?
How does it work?
What can you use it for?
Top- Up Option
Working Capital Term Financing
Works similarly to fixed-rate loans. Your business receives a lump sum payment. Instead of fixed monthly payment, you’ll repay the balance through more frequent, periodic payments.
Term Financing
Is designed to provide capital for any corporate purpose and is paid back over a short term (6-24 months).
You can use working capital loans for whatever needs your business requires.
Typical uses of funds:
- Cash flow
- Inventory
- Renovations
- Advertising
- Small equipment purchase
- Equipment repair
- And much more..
Additional Eligibility
Once you have repaid approximately 1/3rd of your original balance, you may be eligible for a “top-up”.
Additional Benefits
- Convenient - takes 5 minutes to complete application
- Flexible - financing products to fit your business needs
- Fast - once approved, receive funds as quick as 24-hrs
Minimum Requirements
• Location - within Canada
• Minimum Gross Monthly Revenue - $9,000
• Minimum Time in business - 6-months